The High School of Instituto Navarro is an educational community committed with the education of youth. Our purpose is an education wich promotes the application of science under the principles of truth, respect, responsibility and social commitment, building a solid foundation for college and life.


At the end of High School studies, graduates will have aquire a comprehensive education that is manifested by: Humanistic and scientific knowledge that provide every young with the basic and general culture to understand their mission as human beings, their relationship with the environment and a preparation for their incorporation into the next academic level.


To know and appreciate themself in order to be able to address problems and challenges. Be sensitive to art and participate in the assessment and interpretation of ideas, feelings and emotions. To choose and practice healthy lifestyles. Listening, interpretation and emisión of relevant messages in different contexts. To innovate and propose solutions to problems. Aquire a critical and reflective personal stance on issues of general relevance. Learn by own interest and initiative throughout his life. To participate and work collaboratively. To participate with civic awareness, responsibility and ethics in society. To maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and practices. To contribute with the sustainable development in a critical way with responsible actions.

Disciplinary skills in the next áreas:


Interest in the study causing an attitude of self-learning, creativity and research. Encourage respect for self, others and their environment. Reflect of responsibility, fighting spirit, perseverance and discipline. Express their commitment to service in transforming their environment. Commitment to extend the benefits of culture to all community sectors. Express of civic consciousness, socially and nationally.

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